The Only Rule When Making Art

The Only Rule When Making Art

Do Not Judge Your Work

It’s simple but not easy. When we set out to compose a piece of art, we often have an idea of the results we desire. If we are rigid in judging the end result against our original idea, disappointment is bound to happen. The interesting thing about this is that often times, the more you practice your art, the less control you have over the outcome. Surrender to this and the limits to creativity are endless and unpredictable.   

Judging you work, whether in a positive or negative light can have debilitating effects on the enjoyment experienced when producing future pieces. Positive judgment can strangle future creativity, either through pressure to live up to it, or by keeping you stuck trying to recreate a past success. Negative judgment often sucks the fun out of the creative process, or discourages trying again.

Keep the attitude of “I’ll get it next time” which keeps the process fun and free.

Learning to do anything takes trial and error. Contrary to popular belief, creating “good” art is not a talent, it isn’t something we are born with or without. To claim so would be to discredit the dedication and perseverance it takes to learn any trade.

Whether you agree that artistic skill is innate or earned, there’s no reason to start at square one or to reinvent the wheel. Good artists create. Great artists steal. They stand on the shoulders of those that came before them and build on their achievements. An artists influences are their greatest asset. But always avoid getting a case of the compares. Comparing your work to others is another form of judgment.

So do not judge you work, focus instead on the joy in the process. Your audience can’t help but respond.

- Katie Maher, Fine Art Artist 

Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

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